Saturday, December 8, 2007

Gaming switch?? Wtf??

In the last two days two separate people have told me that they are "taking a break from gaming".

The whole idea of this seems so foreign to me.

Its like they think "gaming" is a switch that they flip on and off depending on whether they wanna hit on a girl or not... Crazy...

I guess its a differences at a fundamental presupposition level. I don't have my 'normal' personality and a PUA persona that I flip on when I strap on my body armor and go into set.

To me what this is all about is BECOMMING that person thats naturally magnetically attractive to everyone around him when hes out clubbing and in his everyday life.

Remember where this stuff came from... We aren’t re-inventing the wheel here. Everything we teach is backwards engineered behavior patterns from highly successful and cool people.

This is what we should be aiming for. Becoming that person. Except since we're actively bettering ourselves then we're that person on fucking steroids.

Do you think naturals ever go around and say "oh man, I don’t feel good today I'm not going to be cool I'm going to be a supplicating dode all day" FUCK NO! Its just who they are.

When I go out with my boys I'm the same guy when we're sitting around talking about music and sports as I am 5 minutes later when that cute waitress comes over. I don’t flip on game mode. I AM my game. If I don't get the girls its because I suck and need to work on it, not because my superhero alter-ego failed his mission.

However this is in no way a slam on routines. Every natural ever has routines and if you dont have a stack you're really shooting yourself in the foot. The key here is to have a stack that is all stuff you personally think is cool and would say. Thats why it works, cuz it is you. Dont do strawberry fields just because Sinn and CJ told you too.. Do it because you really think its fun and interesting. I dont do palm reading or the cube personally cuz its not something I would do, regardless of the success others have had with it. If you really enjoy what youre saying it will come through and what youre saying will be super magnetic..

If you dont have any sort of stack in place talk to Topo hes writing some killer stacks that have really gotten guys great results.

So please keep all this in mind everyone when you're getting good. You should always be 'on'. I crack jokes and banter with everyone in everyday life from college professors to the old lady on the bus. I'm cool with everyone I meet at all times, because I AM cool.

And why the fuck would I want to take a break from being cool?


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