Saturday, December 29, 2007

Insights from Xmas

Like so many of you, for the last week or so I've been at home to see the family for Christmas.

If your family is anything like mine, then you would surely notice all the little ones running around. You would have also notice all the adults of the group attempting to play and have fun with the family’s newest additions.

The more I watched people interact the more of a discrepancy I noticed between how they would interact with kids and with each other.

The interaction with the kids was fun and playful and emotionally stimulating. The conversation with adults was bland and boring and full of facts. Except for my uncle, who everyone loves and says he’s the most fun to be around, his conversation was still fun and playful.

What’s striking here isn’t the fact that the fun and playful guy is the most fun of the group, that’s obvious.

What struck me is how everyone seems to instinctively know that to entertain a child you have to be fun and playful and emotionally stimulating. It’s like its engrained in their DNA. Everyone just knows how to have fun.

But when it comes time to "treat you like an adult" they quash that and make sure that your interaction is boring. I think you also see this alot in the guys who say "but I RESPECT women" They feel like going to that playful side would be treating them like a kid and that equates to disrespect. It’s disrespectful because you wouldn’t do that to someone in a boardroom...

Well guess what this is a boardroom, this is dating. You’re supposed to be fun and emotionally stimulating. That’s what its all about. We've always taught on bootcamps that anything fun in elementary school is fun again in dating. There’s a reason for that. Elementary school was FUN! Everyone knows how to have fun. You just gotta force yourself to let go of your lame social programming and do it! She will appreciate you for it.

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