Monday, December 24, 2007

There is a really interesting discussion going on in the lounge right now about compliance and different ways to deal with girls not complying.

The one I want to talk about right now is willingness to walk away.

I think this is one of the most important things that you can display, especially when you are getting non-compliance.

Girls are playing compliance and hoop games just as we are. When she doesnt comply and stalls out she doesnt really want it to end, she just wants to see what we'll do, and if we'll be lame about it. Its a test!

By showing willingness to walk her hoop backfires in her face and sends her into dammage control mode to get us to stay, which in turns gives us the compliance we want. It also says a ton of good things about us in the process, making us that much more attractive.

Clear from the lounge does it immediately by voicing the fact that he's walkin. He will tell the girl thats cool theyre just myspace friends the second they show non-compliance.

Puzzler does it passively by givving the appearance that he's walked or is at least thinking about it. If they flake on him he'll just dissapear for a day or two till they re-initiate.

Cali Pimp does it by telling her if she doesnt get with the program she can feel free to leave because shes not what theyre looking for.

I think they all work great and its your choice which you use and in what situation.

Just remember this is always a small gamble because she could let you walk! And you have to be willing to or she'll think youre weak and bluffing all the time from then on!

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